Scripts for Schools

Scripts For Schools Blog

Read our Scripts for Schools blog and hear what our expert writers have to say about Readers Theater Scripts, Choral Reading (Choral Speaking Scripts), Play Scripts, and Puppet Play Scripts.

Whether you're a teacher or community group leader, we can help you with your presentation .  Come back often for more helpful script and play tips.


FREE Script for Elementary School Readers!

November 8th, 2014

A crazy old man and a pizza-eating boy are surprised, amazed, dumbfounded, bewildered, and astonished as the boy starts growing body parts from a variety of different animals!

The whole experience turns out to be a bad dream, and the boy promises to never again eat pizza before he goes to sleep.

This fun, fast-moving Readers Theater script will keep everyone smiling and keep 5 solo readers and a narrator on their toes!

Just click on the title below for a printable PDF version of this best-selling script from Scripts for Schools.


Providing Readers Theater Scripts, Choral Reading Scripts, Play Scripts for All Occasions.
The Best Scripts at great prices!