Scripts for Schools

Scripts For Schools Blog

Read our Scripts for Schools blog and hear what our expert writers have to say about Readers Theater Scripts, Choral Reading (Choral Speaking Scripts), Play Scripts, and Puppet Play Scripts.

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Using Choral Scripts To Deliver A Message To Teens

January 22nd, 2016

Choral scripts are great for fixing the attention of people of all ages, not least of all teens, and a chorus can be used to instill and reinforce the most important ideas.

They can, therefore, be very effective for delivering important messages to large groups of young people, without the formality of a lecture and without talking down to the audience. Such messages can be delivered by teenagers to teenagers, making the content more engaging and relevant for the audience and arguably more meaningful.

Choral Scripts are Engaging

As well as being fun to work with, choral scripts require a high level of active participation and engagement. Over the course of making the text performance ready, the performers will think about the words and themes involved. Learning and performing the lines is active and stimulating.

In addition to improving performance and voice skills, rhythm and timing, teamwork and independent responsibility, those taking part in reading will have ample time to take in, reflect upon and discuss the messages contained.

Choral Scripts are Memorable

Designed to be powerful performance pieces, all aspects of the plays have been carefully considered from the point of view of both the performers and the audience. This makes them very easy to work with. They provide a practical, fun and effective way of having teens – performers and audience alike – take important subject matter to heart.

Choral Scripts are Flexible

The scripts can be based in any setting and about any subject, covering topics that are relevant to teens, such as bullying, cheating and personal safety.

People are welcome to adapt choral scripts to suit their needs and tastes.

Choral Scripts Inspire Confidence

Public performances of this type are empowering. Among the skills used and strengthened by participants, a boost in confidence is a welcome benefit.

Since choral scripts can be used in a variety of settings and ways in order to engage with teens, they make for great openers for the consideration and discussion of important topics.

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