Scripts for Schools

Earth Day

An Awesome Plan

Readers Theater Scripts

Readers Theater, Older Elementary Readers


In this story, a number of characters talk about capturing a wild animal, putting it in a cage, and feeding it people food. Is this a good plan?

Frogs Matter!

Readers Theater Scripts

Readers Theater, Older Elementary School Readers

Here's a way to introduce or reinforce the term "amphibians" and, because of problems and changes in our environment, highlight what's happening to amphibians around the world.

Home Sweet Home, My Habitat!

Readers Theater Scripts

Readers Theater, Older Elementary School Readers

This script was created to introduce or reinforce five important environmental terms: HABITAT, ADAPTATION, PROPAGATION/POLLINATION, ENDANGERED SPECIES, and FOOD CHAIN

Mimic, Adapt, and Deceive!

Choral Reading Scripts

Choral Reading, Older Elementary School Readers

Teaching a unit on how plants, insects, and animals must mimic, adapt, or deceive to survive to survive?


Choral Reading Scripts

Choral Reading, Older Elementary School Readers

 "YESTERDAY" the world moaned, groaned, cried, and sighed about what has been happening to our environment.

Providing Readers Theater Scripts, Choral Reading Scripts, Play Scripts for All Occasions.
The Best Scripts at great prices!