Scripts for Schools

An Innovation Conversation

Choral Reading Scripts

A teacher emailed to ask if we had a script about "Innovation". The dictionary defines the word as:

1. The action or process of innovating.

2. A new method, idea, product, etc: "technological innovations".

And so, we wrote a choral reading/speaking script about the process of innovating and some of the most important innovations throughout history.

In this piece, a divided Voice Choir engages in a rhyming conversation about "innovation" and tries to determine the top 10 innovations of all time. Of course not everyone will agree with their final top 10 choices - but it's a start!

Formatting: This choral reading/speaking script is formatted for a Voice Choir and 6 Solo Voices. The Voice Choir is divided into two groups: Voice Choir 1 and Voice Choir 2. They join together to perform this script in tandem.

7 pages of reading text

Performance time: approximately 4-5 minutes

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$14.95 each

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