Murder at ____________! Package: full Script and Production Guide
Readers Theater Scripts
Four teachers from your school (your Librarian, Music Teacher, Science Teacher, and School Counselor) gather together to conduct a Readers Theater Workshop for teachers and community members. (You can use these teachers' real names in the script, or make up new ones. Also, students can perform these roles and/or some of the actual teachers named might consider taking part). There are many performance options here.
The workshop is just beginning when a Drama Director from a "rival" school in your area bursts into the room. She is followed by her mousey, over-worked, ill-treated Assistant Director - and the plot thickens! Horror of horrors - one of these teachers doesn't live to see the end of the workshop. Shades of Sean Connery in "Goldfinger" - the deceased teacher also ends up turning GOLD!
There are many suspects, clues, and red herrings to consider.
The audience is finally divided into 5 teams and are sent on a short scavenger hunt to find the important clues needed to solve this baffling mystery.
Clue Sheets, Murder Solution Sheets, Scavenger Hunt Strategies, Prop List, Stage Set-Up, and a written overview of how to organize, produce, and perform this read-aloud script are included in the package.
There are no performance royalties involved in producing this mystery play, so you may produce it as many times as you wish (within the school of purchase) at no further charge. Best of all, the script is written as Readers Theater, so most of it can be read-aloud. Very little memorization is needed and that makes this particular script easy to rehearse and perform.
Read Sample Pages of this Readers Theater Script
CAST: 6 Readers
Script Length: 33 pages
Performance Length: 20 minutes (not including time for audience participation in the "solution" of the crime).
Options for arriving at the solution are outlined in the script.