Scripts for Schools

Outsmarting the Leprechauns

Readers Theater Scripts

Knowing that the little men love Boxty Cakes (Irish Potato Pancakes) and never eat breakfast, helps the pair outsmart their unwanted guests.

This is a good script for older readers to read aloud to younger children on St. Patricks Day! It is also a great script to read aloud any time you are studying Ireland!

For dinner, "Colcannon" is served on the lid of a jelly jar. Next evening, "Dublin Coddle" is served in half an egg shell. Finally "Boxty Cakes" are served in a sewing thimble. This is all part of a divine plan to outsmart the invading leprechauns - and it works! Definitions of three dishes included!

Readers: 12

Script Length: 8 Pages

Performance Time: 5 minutes

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$14.95 each

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