Scripts for Schools


Readers Theater Scripts

Merlin plans to teach the king a lesson about loyalty and, before leaving, hires the replacement himself. He teaches the king a "magic chant" to summon the witch whenever he wants. The king, however, doesn't like the first witch who appears, and demands another.

In the end, five witches (each a little larger and louder than the one before) come and go, but not before one of them turns the king into a monkey! Merlin, of course, saves the day.

This script has been written as a Halloween script, but may also be performed on any other occasion by simply leaving out the references to Halloween.

Readers: 4

READER 1/King/Monkey

READER 2/Wizard

READER 3/Witch 1,3,5

READER 4/Witch 2,4

Script Length: 10 Pages including director/teacher's notes

Performance Time: 5-6 minutes

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