Scripts for Schools


Readers Theater Scripts

Well, the poor grumpy troll in this story is having a terrible time trying to figure it out. He's determined to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Only problem is, he's taking his traveling directions from the very leprechaun who owns the pot. The troll travels back and forth between the rainbow's beginning and end, right side and left side, front side and back side. Each time he finally reaches a destination, he finds no gold - just the leprechaun ready to give him a new set of traveling directions! >br/>Will this story never end? Possibly not. The readers of this piece believe the troll is out there this very minute, still stomping around trying to find that elusive pot of gold.

Readers: 11, but easily adapted for more

Script Length: 8 Pages

Performance Time: 5 minutes

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$14.95 each

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